The Rising Queen

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There have been many times in my life when I would have preferred to hide, but decided to show up instead.

Like my first time singing on stage in New York; my first time launching a business; my first time teaching in the classroom; my first time pressing “publish” on my blog; my first time writing a book; my first time speaking on the TEDx stage; my first time using my voice at the United Nations; my first time becoming a mom; my first time teaching online, and so much more.

Although I would have preferred to hide on many occasions, I showed up instead. What I learned from showing up was that each time I did, I not only grew within myself, I helped someone else grow and inspired them a step further on their journey.

This is the work we do as women leaders. We show up. We inspire. We make change.

We show up in the room. On the stage. On the page. Behind the camera. In front of the camera. On the canvas. In the microphone. In the classroom. In the theatre. In our office. In our business. In our workplace. In the boardroom. In Congress. In everywhere imaginable ...

As daunting as it can feel sometimes, we show up. Because we know in our hearts: If not us, then who? And that’s when we make a difference.

Research has shown that one of the reasons women are disproportionately underrepresented in leadership across every industry is because there is a blatant lack of support for women’s leadership — highlighted by a particular lack of support for female ambition.

A-M-B-I-T-I-O-N. A dirty word for some.

I’ve been working with the Queen archetype since the launch of 2020, both in my own life, as well as in the lives of my clients, students and colleagues.

What I have come to learn is that the Queen is definitely ambitious. But she is not ambitious in the old way we might define it — in a “power over” type of way. She is ambitious in seeing her vision come to fruition. She is ambitious in bringing her feminine values to her community. She is ambitious in ensuring the rights and justice of all human beings.

She is deeply connected to her internal power, her truth, her community and social justice.

As I enter my “Queen Years” (I’m turning 50 next week!), I’ve been looking at new ways I can support this beautiful community of changemakers to move forward in big ways with your dreams, your long-held visions, and your creative projects to make the change you are here to make in the world.

Earlier this week, I encouraged you to spend some time journaling on these questions:

  • When you think about your feminine legacy, what words or images come to you?

  • What is the impact that you want to make + the change you want to create?

  • How might your life lived fully create a ripple effect for future generations?

As tempting as it is to hide right now with all of the tragedy, loss, grief and demise of our democracy happening — you — as a woman of this world, are being called to RISE.

You showing up to do what you are here to do — to create, invent, say, start, launch, build, re-build, impart, disrupt, transmit, showcase … is the medicine our world is aching for.

On this note, I’m excited to offer 2 spots in my new private, one-day immersion program — The Rising Queen: A One-Day Immersion to Launch Your Personal Legacy Project!

This 1:1, VIP day is focused on visioning the full scope of your feminine legacy, honing in on one project, clearing any limited thinking that may be keeping you from launching or fully developing your project(s), diving in creatively to your project, and creating a step-by-step strategic plan (with accountability) for you to successfully launch and grow your legacy project!

You will also receive lots of loving, soulful support of your personal process & practical tools and tips to help you navigate these next big steps in your life and career.

In this one-day immersion, we can accomplish what may typically take months (or even years) otherwise!

“You will emerge from Tabby’s structured yet fluid process with an astonishing new wingspan. I have worked with “coaches” before – that word just feels inept for Tabby. Her process is unique, so much more than a “coach” and stunningly effective. Having worked with Tabby in an intimate and powerful process, I feel stronger, more empowered, and truly launched.”

- Connie Vasquez, Attorney

This VIP Day is perfect for you if you’re seeking:

  • Inspiration to get unstuck and pursue a long-held dream.

  • Insight and direction to connect more deeply with your life’s purpose and personal legacy.

  • Step-by-step guidance to break down an overwhelming dream project into manageable (and fun) steps and finally launch it into the world!

    “This day is so special. Everyone should try it!”
    - Teresa Coltrin, Lifestyle Coach & Creator of GLOW

I’m excited to offer 2 spots in September for this opportunity.

(Applications will be considered on a first-come basis.)

I believe deeply in the world-changing effects of women’s leadership.

We are living in a critical time for you to be taking up more space — with your voice, your ideas, your presence, your creativity and your leadership.

I’m on a mission. It would be an honor and pleasure to support you on yours. Learn more.

Thank you for being a part of this community of changemakers. I look forward to hearing from you. Together, we rise. In sisterhood, we thrive!


Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed. is the author of the bestselling book, Find Your Voice: A Woman’s Call to Action, the co-founder of 50 Women Can Change the World in Media & Entertainment, and a popular women’s leadership coach, educator, strategist and group facilitator for her unique approach to activating women’s leadership. Tabby has supported thousands of women to get on stages, launch new businesses, invigorate stagnant businesses, increase their income, step into more purposeful work, build better team cultures, and create social and political change. Ready to RISE? Contact Tabby.