Goddess Birthday Bash
by Tabby Biddle
Photo Credit: Eva Clay
Remember last week when I told you I had some moments of melancholy about my birthday? Well, I am happy to report that's over.
As September is my birthday month, I am continuing to have celebrations to ring in my new year.
And I have to tell you that the celebration that I had last Friday was a real filler-upper. Soul fulfilling in such a delicious way. Setting me up in a way that I could not have imagined without having the experience.
It was a co-celebration with Reena Desai, my Goddess Collective co-leader and September 3rd birthday Sister.
Reena put the whole thing together. Even while being over in India on a spiritual dive into Ma, the Divine Feminine and the study of Odissi dance and singing -- she pulled off the organization of this party.
I am truly grateful.
What was so special about this birthday celebration is that it was a celebration to honor the Goddess and Goddesshood in each and every woman who showed up that evening.
We played improv games (led by Reena's acting teacher), sat in intimate circle, moved, danced, chanted (not your typical Sanskrit chants, but chants with modern feminine sass), and were serenaded with crystals and the most gorgeous sound and resonance of a priestess and her crystal singing bowl.
We even dipped our heads in the crystal singing bowl (something I had never done before).
If you ever get the chance to do that, I highly recommend it. You'll understand why when you do it.
What was also so wonderful about this birthday celebration is that it was grounded in the energy of the Masculine supporting and celebrating the Feminine, as well as the Feminine and Masculine working in partnership.
What do I mean by this?
Well, Reena's acting teacher happens to be a man. And the singing priestess I mentioned above (with the crystal bowls) is his collaborative partner. And put the two of them together, living their truth and doing their work in the world, as they did at the party, and you get magic!
And so, I found myself feeling super filled up from this experience. Not only was I so deeply honored and nourished by the brilliance of each woman who sat in that circle, I was also charged up by each woman moving, dancing, shaking, and shouting in her own uninhibited way -- all in the love and support of the Feminine/Masculine partnership container and the deep power of Mother Nature.
I had forgotten how much I needed this!
And so, I'd like to turn the table to you. Here are some questions I have for you to consider this week:
If you could give yourself a mantra, phrase or chant this week to empower you whenever you feel you need a lift, what would it be? (i.e. I am Powerful. I am Mighty. I am Kick-Ass. I am Unstoppable.)
What is one of your favorite spots in Mother Nature that you can get to easily this weekend or early next week?
What kind of movements is your body longing to do?
What kinds of sounds is your body longing to make?
And now here are some assignments:
Make an empowerment mantra or chant for yourself this week, and use it whenever you feel you need a lift.
Make a date with one or a few of your girlfriends and meet at one of your favorite Mother Nature spots that is easy for all of you to get to. Spend at least an hour there connecting with each other and diving into assignments #3 & #4.
Be willing to be daring and move your body in the way it is longing to move. (Preferably you will do this out in Mother Nature with your girlfriends. But if you can't do assignment #2, then you can do your movement at home.) Spend at least 5 minutes in movement and see what comes. What wants to be expressed through your body?
Either in your Mother Nature spot (if you have some spaciousness to do this) or in the privacy of your home or a friend's home, allow your body to move as She wants to for a few minutes. After a few minutes, invite any sounds that want to be let free from your body. These may start subtly like a low hum and then grow louder and more distinct as you move, or they could come start out in loud pulses. See what it is for you. Let your voice articulate the sounds that your body is holding onto, whatever they are. Free up space in your body and energize yourself by releasing these sounds aloud. Finish in stillness with a grounding OM and gentle prayer of gratitude for the power of your soul.
See how you feel from doing one, two or all of these assignments, and let me know how it goes.
I'd love to hear from you! (Share your comments and experiences below.)
Tabby Biddle is a celebrated women’s leadership coach and well-known voice speaking out for the human rights of women and girls. She is the Co-Director of the Los Angeles Goddess Collective, and is the Creator of the Goddess Leadership Program, a revolutionary program designed to strengthen and activate the political voices and consciousness of emerging women leaders. Over the last seven years, Tabby has written, lectured and given interviews on the topic of the Divine Feminine and the power of a woman’s voice. For inspiration and guidance to strengthen your voice and advance your influence as a feminine leader, visit tabbybiddle.com.