I Got New Headshots This Week!
by Tabby Biddle
Five years ago, I had recently moved to California from New York, was running my Lotus Blossom Style yoga clothing line, doing cabaret performances (thank you to all who came to see/hear me), was single and had no pets. The headshots I took then were perfect for where I was at that time.
Today, my life looks very different.
Today, I am married. I am a mom. I have a kitten. I am a speaker. I am a writer. I am a coach. I am a leader in the women's movement. I am a global changemaker.
My old photos did not reflect this version of me, and so it was time to get congruent.
I have to tell you that it feels sooooooo good to have taken steps to align my inner and outer world. Who knew that this could be done simply through photos?
Below, I would like to share a few sneak peeks of my new photos. I don't have access yet to my REAL photos, but I do have a some back of camera shots and one REAL photo.
Before I share, I want to ask you:
Do your inside world and outside world feel aligned with one another?
If not, what would it take for you to align them?
Just some thoughts to ponder ...
Back of the camera.
Okay, so here we go to one of my photos that's out of the camera ...
Tabby’s New Headshot. Photo credit: Caroline White
I'm not saying that taking new photos is the way for everyone to align their inner and outer worlds, but for me, it was a very important step. I enjoy being visible. I enjoy being sparkly. I enjoy being ecstatic. My photos now make that statement. I feel like by taking these new photos, I have cleared a path for myself to be all of these things out loud.
What would it look like for you to align your inner world with your outer world?
p.s. My photographer is Caroline White of carolinewhitephotography.com. I will be giving her a more detailed shout out next week when I have a fuller range of my photos to show you. In short, my experience with her was OUTSTANDING.
Thank you for viewing my photos. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend ahead.
Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed. is a women’s leadership coach and the director of The Goddess Collective in Los Angeles, a community of women leaders dedicated to honoring the feminine and bringing what they know in their personal world to the world at large. Learn more at tabbybiddlle.com.