Posts tagged Oh My Goddess
What's a Woman in Transition to Do?

Wendi Knox is the creator of Oh My Goddess, a company whose mission is to inspire women to listen to their inner voice and unzip their true selves. After working her way up to be a Senior Vice President Creative Director at a big advertising agency in Los Angeles (she was the only woman in this position), Wendi was laid off. "I had been at my agency for 15 years -- it felt like family. It was a huge shock having to reinvent my life," said Wendi in an interview.

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Wendi Knox is Goddess of the Week!

Wendi Knox, creator of Oh My Goddess, is on a mission to inspire women to be true to themselves, listen to their inner voice, and unzip their inner joy by sharing her own truth, humor and heart. “I feel like I’m a part of a women’s liberation movement, but it’s the liberation of spirit,” she says. A former “Execu-Woman,” Wendi today writes the Oh My Goddess Bloggess, paints and sells goddess gift cards at stores like Fred Segal (see her gorgeous artwork below), hosts goddess events, is a mentor speaker for women’s groups, and has recently written a book that many of us will want to get our hands on (publisher TBD). Wendi is an inspirational goddess of creativity, sharing her inner vision, heart and soul to help other women unzip their truth and live in alignment with who they really are. What a goddess!

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