Posts tagged vicki abeles
The Biggest Killer of Loving to Learn: School

Once upon a time I thought it was a place to where people could learn about a lot of things, be exposed to different ideas, learn how to solve problems, think critically, collaborate, work as a team and have fun. As a former teacher, I also used to think it was a place to foster children's innate love for learning. However, now with the way things have been going, I wonder if school is school just a place to get accreditation for the job market?

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NEW FEATURE! Goddess of the Week

Goddess of the Week: Vicki Abeles, Director of Race to Nowhere.Vicki is a mom of three and a filmmaker is on a mission to bring to center stage the need for workable solutions to issues surrounding America’s education system.

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Race to Nowhere: The Case Against Homework

Race to Nowhere is a documentary film created to mobilize families, educators, and policy makers to challenge current assumptions on how to best prepare students in America to become healthy, bright, contributing and leading citizens.

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