How 50 Women in Media & Entertainment Can Change The World


by Tabby Biddle

One by one they are dropping. “Men in power.” More stories being revealed every day. Sexual harassment. Sexual assault. Power over dynamics. The oppression and silencing of women’s voices. The violence to women’s bodies, and souls. It goes on and on and on and on … and honestly, it feels like we’ve just begun to reveal our stories.

I know there is more. Much much more.

Last month, three days after the Weinstein story broke, I co-hosted an event at Neuehouse Hollywood, along with my Take The Lead colleagues, to introduce a new initiative called 50 Women Can Change The World in Media & Entertainment.

Through the initiative, we are bringing together a community of ambitious women committed to gender parity in Hollywood for a four-month, game-changing leadership and movement-building program that supports women in redefining power and creating a new blueprint for the industry.

We know that who tells our stories shapes the culture. And, as my colleague, Take The Lead co-founder and President Gloria Feldt says, “Where better to have an impact on the culture than here in Los Angeles, where so much of our narratives are born.” Agreed!

I encourage you to watch the 1 min 30 sec video below to learn more about this initiative and how you can be a part of it:


The nomination process to participate in the #50WomenCan cohort is open through December 10th, 2017. Diversity is important to us. We know women benefit from sharing insight and sisterhood across a spectrum of experience and backgrounds. We encourage nominations and applications from a wide cross-section of women, including race, age, abilities, and expertise.

Have someone in mind? Nominate her now.

As Kate Neligan, my friend, colleague and #50WomenCan Advisory Committee member says:

“We need stories told by women and supported by women that can show and mirror a better humanity. I feel inspired to be with a group of women who are ready to take on the challenges of this incredibly powerful industry and to create change from the inside out in a way that’s sustainable and that can change the world.”

Kate previously ran Lionsgate’s On Demand & Digital Marketing department as Vice President. She left the industry due to the pains and turmoil of working within the “old boys club” as a woman. She went on to found Synergy TV, an on demand and online channel that entertains and inspires, and certify as an Equine-Assisted Life and Career Coach. She now works with media and entertainment executives to support their wellness, embodied leadership, decision-making capabilities, effective communication and ability to create a healthy a healthy workplace culture.

Kate sits on the #50WomenCan Advisory Committee, along with a team of eight other industry professionals who will help select the finalists for the 50 women cohort

It’s time to join together to redefine power in Hollywood and create a new blueprint for the industry.

If we work together, it’s totally possible to create a future where women hold equality in leadership positions, women’s projects are easily funded and distributed, and the industry is a healthy place for women to thrive.

The deadline for nominations is December 10th. Nominate now.


Tabby Biddle, M.S. E.d. is a celebrated women’s leadership coach and well-known voice speaking out for the human rights of women and girls. She is a Take The Lead Leadership Ambassador and Co-Project Director for 50 Women Can Change The World in Media & Entertainment. Learn more at

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