Women in History: Geraldine Ferraro

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When I was a teen girl, Geraldine Ferraro showed me that I could be a leader in our government. She was an attorney, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and a politician for the Democratic party.

In 1984, she became the first female vice presidential candidate representing a major American political party when she ran with Walter Mondale. In running, she also became the only Italian American to be a major-party national nominee. While she was a member of Congress, Ferraro focused a great deal of her legislative power on equity for women in wages, pensions, and retirement plans.

When I got to college, in part due to women like Geraldine Ferraro, I majored in Government. She helped me see what was possible for me.

Thank you, Geraldine. Today I celebrate you!

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Tabby Biddle, M.S.Ed., is a leading voice and advocate for advancing women’s leadership and the human rights of women and girls. She is the author of the bestselling book, Find Your Voice: A Woman’s Call to Action, and a Leadership Ambassador with Take The Lead, a non-profit organization committed to creating gender parity in leadership across all sectors by 2025. Learn more at tabbybiddle.com.