3 Affirmations to Stay Centered Amongst Increased Visibility
Photo credit: Caroline White
by Tabby Biddle
As a feminine leader, increased visibility is often necessary in order to make the social and cultural impact you’re here to make. But what about those of us who are more introverted or private, or even those of us who are extroverted, but easily ungrounded with increased visibility?
Here are three affirmations I use to stay grounded and centered amongst increased visibility. If you are in a phase of expansion, I encourage you to try them out. You can say them out loud or quietly to yourself. Either way works!
3 Affirmations to Stay Centered Amongst Increased Visibility
1: It is safe for me to be seen and heard.
2: It is safe for me to take up space and be seen.
3: It is safe for me to RISE in my mission, my passion and my purpose.
The world needs what you have to offer. May these affirmations serve you as you expand in your leadership, your visibility and your ability to create important change in this world.
Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed. is a celebrated women’s leadership coach, writer and educator dedicated to elevating the voices of women changemakers. She supports women to find their voice and establish themselves as thought leaders — not tethered to the old ways of patriarchy, but in a new paradigm of feminine leadership. Learn more.