What is Your Theme Word for 2023?

Tabby Biddle Meditating

by Tabby Biddle

At the end of every year, I like to choose a theme word for the upcoming year. Instead of having a ton of New Year’s Resolutions that might be hard to keep track of, or hard to keep, my theme word acts as a focal point for me to stay aligned and true to my intentions for the new year. It’s like a magnet that my energy organizes around.

Whenever I need to make a decision about my personal life, relationships, business or career, I tune in to see which decision would be in the best alignment with my theme word.

For example, in 2015, my theme word (admittedly, it was a phrase that year) was feminine political voice. That year, I published a book to help emerging women leaders find their political voice, gave a TEDx talk to empower women’s voices in the personal and political realms, wrote numerous feminist politically-oriented essays, and activated hundreds of women’s political voices through my courses, coaching and speaking engagements.

Another year, my theme word was luxury. That year, I began offering luxury VIP days to my clients (which they loved!), took multiple luxury vacations at luxury hotels with my husband and son, upgraded some elements in our home to make it more luxurious, and created a luxurious schedule for myself on a daily basis.

I’ve been doing this ritual for the past seven years, and it has served me well. If you’re not familiar with this ritual, and would like to try it, I’ve included the steps below. If you prefer to be guided through the process, I’ve recorded a short audio meditation (11 minutes). Listen below.

How to choose your theme word for 2023:

  • Choose a word that encapsulates what you want more of, what you want to focus on, or what you want to improve upon in the coming year. It can help to think specifically about what you want MORE OF in 2023. What do you want more of next year?

  • Take a moment to consider this, and write it down. (If you have more than one word come to you, that’s fine. Write down all of your words down.)

  • Now, look at your piece of paper and circle the word that has the most resonance with you. This is the one that makes you feel the most excited, perhaps even giddy inside, and also maybe a little bit scared because you may not be used to claiming this word for yourself.

  • The word you circled is most likely the best choice for your 2023 theme word. If you circled two or three words, perhaps there is a way to combine the words like I did one year with feminine political voice.

  • Now, close your eyes and take three long deep breaths to get yourself centered and connected to your body. Place one hand on your heart and the other hand on your lower belly, and continue breathing, feeling your belly rise and fall with each breath.

  • As you breathe, begin to silently say your theme word (or phrase) several times to yourself until you can feel it in your body. Notice how it feels in your body.

  • From here, allow yourself to envision what it would look like for you to have more of this theme word in your life in 2023. What would this look like in your personal life? Your relationships? Your business? Your career? What do you see? (Allow yourself space to expand here. Don’t hold back.) How does it feel? (Tune into your body and see how it feels.) Continue with this visualization for 1-2 minutes. If you’d like to go longer, you are welcome to do that.

  • End the visualization by bringing your hands to your heart and thank yourself for showing up for this ritual to honor yourself. Thank any benevolent guides, deities, ancestors or any other support system that you connect with on a larger, cosmic level.

  • On a piece of paper, do a 1 to 2-minute stream-of-consciousness writing about what you saw, heard, and/or felt in your meditation.

  • You may also want to make a drawing or collage that visually represents your theme word and/or what you saw in your meditation. It is works great to simply write the word on a piece of paper and put it in a place where you will see it on a daily basis.

  • Allow this word (or phrase) to be an anchor and grounding force for your upcoming year.

  • Once you’ve chosen the word (0r phrase), stick with it. Your commitment to it will bring you the results you desire. (Exception: If you feel there is a new focus that wants to emerge partway through the year, then please honor that. Your inner voice and intuition know best.)

Please don’t overlook how important it is to set time aside to reflect on how you want to show up 2023. This end-of-year ritual will help you do that. Download here.

I wish you many blessings in 2023! I’ll see you on the other side.


Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed. writes and works at the intersection of women’s leadership, feminine spirituality and social change. She is the bestselling author of Find Your Voice: A Woman’s Call to Action, the co-founder of 50 Women Can Change the World in Media & Entertainment, and an internationally celebrated women’s leadership coach, educator, and group facilitator for her unique approach to activating and advancing women’s leadership. Are you a female changemaker, creative or entrepreneur who has a message to share with the world? Contact Tabby.