Find Your Voice

by Tabby Biddle

I used to feel that my voice didn't matter. I grew up as the youngest child and only girl in a family of two brothers, and a very strong lineage of male leaders going back to the earliest days of the United States. While there is a lot to be proud of in my family history, there is something very obvious that is missing. The voices of women.

Like many girls and young women growing up in a patriarchal culture, I embodied a "less than" attitude and stance in the world as I grew up. While I was a leader in many regards through my sports teams, social groups, and academic strengths – there was still a shadow I was living under that, for a long time, I could not name.

Today, women’s knowledge, wisdom and opinions are woefully underrepresented around the world. In every country and in every industry, women are undervalued, underpaid and often completely missing from positions of power and authority.

This is a problem for us personally and for the world at large.

On a personal level, we suffer emotionally and spiritually as we are forced to mute our truth, and we suffer physically as the absence of our voices translates into laws, public policy and resource distribution that don’t accurately reflect our needs and the needs of our children.

Without women’s wisdom at the table, war, poverty and violence are the name of the game. Aggression, competition, and power over, rather than power with, are the norm.

But we, as women, know that this is not a natural way of living.

My book, Find Your Voice, will help you find the courage and build the confidence to take a stand for what you believe in, without apology. It is an essential guide for women who are ready to claim their power, connect with their purpose, and offer their unique message and leadership to the world. The book is an education, an inspiration, and an urgent call to action. Find Your Voice brings to light the dark patches of our culture where women's voices are still silent and aims to make a change agent out of every reader.

Your inner voice is trying to speak to you. Can you hear Her?

When you embark on the path of finding or rediscovering your voice, you will find a well of wisdom probably way beyond what you could have ever imagined. You will start to feel more alive, driven, motivated, excited, passionate, invigorated, creative, decisive and on purpose. And maybe most delightfully, you will get to touch and taste the immense power of you.

The moment you stop believing that others have more valuable opinions than you, and that your voice doesn’t matter, everything changes.

I invite you onto the journey.

Download the book for FREE on Amazon Kindle on December 16th. Get your copy here.

Hear what women are saying …

“After reading Tabby Biddle’s Find Your Voice, I find myself looking at my life very differently. Traversing my own path toward self-expression feels less elusive, and my need to get there more critical. Tabby does an amazing job of translating extremely personal and sometimes painful memories from our pasts, both collective and personal, into strengths and actionable experiences. Fast paced and well written, Find Your Voice takes you on a powerful journey and spits you out on the other side with a new-found sense of purpose, and an arsenal of tactics to find your voice and “get out there” with it.”

--Lili Weigart, Writer and Brand Strategist

“Tabby Biddle has written a practical, courageous and urgent call to action. If you are considering that it is your time to use your voice and finally realizing that your message is essential for the healing of our world, READ this book.  Follow the leadership practices and answer the questions and watch how Tabby powerfully guides you to your own certainty and inner wisdom. Tabby's commitment to women's and girls' empowerment is sincere and brave and it will inspire you to claim your power, own your message, take smart action, and use your brilliant voice – for you, for all of us!”

-- Paige Nolan, Writer, Teacher and Coach

What’s in the book?

An Invitation


Chapter 1: Why You Need to Find Your Voice

Chapter 2: Your Responsibility as a Woman

Chapter 3: Do Not Be Afraid of Your Power

Chapter 4: Activating Your Political Voice

Chapter 5: Using Your Voice for Social Justice

Chapter 6: Owning Your Feminine Authority

Chapter 7: Breaking Through Visibility Fears

Chapter 8: Unleashing Your Creative Expression

Chapter 9: Getting Off the Sidelines

Chapter 10: Becoming a Blogger

Chapter 11: Becoming a Public Speaker

Chapter 12: Trailblazing Your Path to Change

Go Forth



This book is for you if:

  • You want to align with your greater purpose and use your voice in the world without apology.

  • You are tired of hiding, playing small, and keeping your big voice and big heart quiet.

  • You desire to move beyond self-doubt and into a place of trusting yourself and your instincts.

  • You feel called to integrate your personal and professional growth with social responsibility and social action.

  • You want to use your voice for social and political change, but you don't know where to start.

  • You want to advance the status and human rights of women and girls around the world.

  • You have a deep desire to express yourself, answer the calling inside of you, and be the leader you were born to be.

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About the Author

Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed, is a women’s leadership expert and well-known voice speaking out for the human rights of women and girls around the world. A press fellow of the United Nations Foundation and alumni of The OpEd Project, Tabby is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, and has been featured by national and international media outlets including The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, UN Dispatch, Current TV and NPR.

As an advocate for empowering the voices of women and girls, Tabby has built a career around helping women and girls discover their voice. Through her speaking appearances, group classes and private coaching practice, Tabby has supported hundreds of women on their path into leadership – from business leaders, to media personalities, to celebrity activists, to artists, to everyday women.

Tabby is the Director of the Los Angeles Goddess Collective, a community of women at the intersection of feminine spirituality, creative expression and social change. She has spoken at numerous events dedicated to empowering the voices of women and girls including The Feminine Light in the Middle East Conference, Global Girl Media Training Academy, and the WriteGirl Journalism Conference.

Tabby received her Masters in Education from Bank Street College in New York City, and her undergraduate degree in Political Science from Colby College. She lives in Santa Monica with her beloved husband, toddler son and kitty cat. Get her book here.