I'm Writing a Book!

by Tabby Biddle

I am writing a book! It's finally happening.

This is something I have wanted to do for a long while, but never really felt that I could go all the way with it. I had ideas about what I wanted to write about, and even started writing a book on several occasions (some of you have been there, right?) — but I never had the stamina, focus and conviction it takes to make it to the finish line.

Well, I am very proud to share with you that this has now changed. The book is complete. We are now working on the cover design. And you will soon be getting an announcement that the book is available on Amazon Kindle.

Above is one of the early mock-ups of the cover.   

The cover will undoubtedly change by the time you see it next. In fact, we are thinking about shortening the title to Find Your Voice: A Woman's Call to Action. If you have an opinion about the title and/or the cover, I welcome your feedback. Please share your comments below.

I'm so excited to share this book with you as it is a powerful guide to help any of you who are struggling with connecting with your purpose and showing up in the world without apology. It's for those of you who are tired of hiding, playing small, and keeping your big voice and big heart quiet. It's for those of you who believe in the human rights of women and girls and want to take a stand for our liberation and self-actualization.   

The book is intended to awaken your political consciousness, embolden your confidence and courage to use your voice for what you stand for, and give you the tools to create the change you desire to see in the world.  

In the book, you will get an opportunity to unleash your creative expression, move through your visibility fears, and learn to use your voice for social change. Maybe most importantly, you will get an opportunity to own your feminine authority. Ultimately, the book is designed to help you get off the sidelines so you can be the leader you were born to be!

We surely need you.   

BONUS: As my gift to you, I'm going to be offering a special one-day FREE download of the book, so please keep your eyes out for that announcement. I'll be in touch with you about that next week. 

In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this final month of the year. Please make sure to take time to nourish yourself as the weather changes and the holiday activities are abuzz.  

As always, much love,
