GWEN Hosts Private Screening of GIRL RISING

by Tabby Biddle



Do you know about Girl Rising? If you have not heard of GIRL RISING, I invite you to watch the trailer above.

On May 13th in Los Angeles, GWEN (Global Women's Empowerment Network) in partnership with the Million Mamas Movement will screen GIRL RISING.

GIRL RISING is a powerful, new feature film that tells the stories of nine girls from around the world who face and overcome unbelievable obstacles on the path toward getting an education. Each girl’s story was written by an author and is narrated by a cast of great actresses, including Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington, Anne Hathaway, Salma Hayek, Alicia Keys, and others.

Here are the details:

Monday, May 13, 2013

“Girl Rising” Screening

Laemmle Music Hall Theater
9036 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA

5:30 pm: Red Carpet Starts
7:00 pm: Entertainment and

The film is the centerpiece of 10×10, a global campaign to educate and empower girls.

The evening includes a red carpet, celebrities, performances by American Idol Michelle Delamor, singer/songwriter Max Schneider and Lizzie Sider the teen singer songwriter who has been selected by CMA as an “Artist to Watch” in 2013. Guests will also receive a gift and an opportunity to attend a VIP reception.

A perfect follow-up to Mother’s Day, GWEN is encouraging mothers and daughters to attend or is asking all attendees to bring a girl to share in the film’s enlightening message. So invite your daughter, niece, young neighbor or friend so they can learn how to support girls in their quest to have the opportunities they deserve.

To purchase tickets or for more information, click here.

Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed. is a women’s leadership expert, writer and writing coach helping women leaders and emerging leaders find their voice and develop their leadership platform for global change. Learn more at