Posts in Girl Empowerment
Global Girl Media Launches New Network With Girls at the Center

Since girls voices are nearly absent on the public conversation -- and when present in mainstream media, are often stereotyped and diluted -- GlobalGirl Media Network is aimed at changing that. It gives girls a platform to share their stories and enlighten all of us about the truth of girls' lives. Girls will be at the center of all media on this channel. I'm so excited about this.

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Crowdsourcing the Feminine Intelligence of the Planet: Interview with Jensine Larsen
Why Invest in Girls?
GIRL RISING: The Missing Part of the Conversation
The Sexual Future of Women & Girls

The wound that is being created and perpetuated by our cultural distortion and commercialization of female sexuality needs to be and can be stopped. We have an opportunity today to hold the space and teach girls and young women that their bodies are special, sacred and beautiful. We have an opportunity today as women to use our voices to express our questions and doubts about the direction our culture is taking girls, and initiate public discussion on the topic, just at Peggy Orenstein is doing.

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Queen Rania Helps Kick Off Girl Up's 'Unite for Girls' Tour

Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa joined hundreds of teen girls at a Girl Up rally in Los Angeles last Friday to raise awareness and funds to help adolescent girls in developing countries around the world.

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The Clinton Global Initiative: Empowering Girls and Women

"So when you educate a woman, you really do transform societies," said Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan yesterday in the panel discussion. "It's not just about doing girls a favor, it's really about benefits that cascade throughout society and really make a huge difference."

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