Posts tagged Global Girl Media
Global Girl Media Launches New Network With Girls at the Center

Since girls voices are nearly absent on the public conversation -- and when present in mainstream media, are often stereotyped and diluted -- GlobalGirl Media Network is aimed at changing that. It gives girls a platform to share their stories and enlighten all of us about the truth of girls' lives. Girls will be at the center of all media on this channel. I'm so excited about this.

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Kamala Lopez is Goddess of the Week!

I have always been motivated by the desire to improve the world for women, in particular in the media -- because the media is the "face" of the collective philosophy; watching media tells you what we think of ourselves and our "ideal" images and states of being. Right now women's place within that context is deeply troubling on a symbolic level and this translates to trouble for women in society and all over the world, as media is our most powerful export.

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Why Mentoring Young Women and Girls is Important

“Can you imagine in 10 years if we were to have 50 Global Girl Media news bureaus operating in the most economically disadvantaged places in the world, and those girls connect and form a network of support, education, and power? Well, suddenly we really are affecting change,” said Global Girl Media program director Kamala Lopez in an interview on Thursday.

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