Posts tagged girl power
Kamala Lopez is Goddess of the Week!

I have always been motivated by the desire to improve the world for women, in particular in the media -- because the media is the "face" of the collective philosophy; watching media tells you what we think of ourselves and our "ideal" images and states of being. Right now women's place within that context is deeply troubling on a symbolic level and this translates to trouble for women in society and all over the world, as media is our most powerful export.

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Kara Isreal is Goddess of the Week!

Kara Isreal is the recipient of the 2010 Step Up Women's Network Los Angeles Teen Scholarship. Step Up is dedicated to connecting underserved teen girls with professional women mentors and enrichment programs to empower the girls to become confident, college-bound and career-ready.

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Meade Palidofsky is Goddess of the Week!

For more than 30 years, Meade Palidofsky has been helping young people find their voice and tell their stories their performance art. In 1990, she started working in prisons. She says that was a real turning point because she felt like she met the population that she was meant to work with. Since that time, she has helped hundreds of incarcerated youth heal from past traumas and pave the way for a brighter future. I learned about her incredible work through the powerful documentary, "Girls on the Wall."

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Healthy Aggression in Girls

Anger and physical aggression in girls and women are typically deemed inappropriate. We are taught to deny, suppress and hide these feelings. When they do show up, we tend to feel shame or guilt and try even harder to rein them in. This doesn’t always work out so well. What if girls could own their aggression and even felt entitled to it?

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