Posts tagged Angelina Jolie
How We Can Stop the Oppression of Women and Girls

Until we get this disrespect and dishonoring of women and girls straightened out, we are going to have a long way to go to create world peace. I believe it is this abuse of the feminine that holds us back. Without taking responsibility for abusing the Divine Feminine, we are killing ourselves internally and externally. Look at what’s happening to Mother Earth, for example. She is being raped just as the women and girls are around the world. We keep taking from her, expecting her always to give back, but soon she will not. Her anger and hatred will be so strong, that we will destroy ourselves.

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Women and Philanthropy

Here’s a myth for you: men donate more money to charity than women. Perhaps this myth stays alive because most people don’t think of women as high-activity donors. But that’s not true. Certainly women give of their time and skills to help worthy causes, but now they are bringing money too.

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Women: Changing the Fate of Our Global Future

“In many parts of the world, women are routinely beaten, raped or sold into prostitution. They are denied access to medical care, education and economic and political power. Changing that could change everything.”

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