Posts tagged I can do it!
Caroline Myss is Goddess of the Week!

What makes Caroline Myss's work unique is that she marries mysticism with action. She teaches and writes about the “unseen” world, while making the lessons practical and tangible. Through her work, she helps people get honest with themselves, with others, and most importantly, their soul.

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The Difference Between Curing vs. Healing

As I laid there in the hospital bed for what seemed like endless hours, I came to realize that whatever was going on with me went much deeper than the symptoms I was experiencing on the surface. It wasn’t just my physical body that needed to be cured, but my mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies were asking to be healed. Thus, the healing work began.

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Do You Believe in Guidance?

Could angel guidance be moving from marginalization to mainstream? While angel and spirit guidance may still sound marginal to some, you can think of it this way: “We have our national guards, our policemen, our volunteer crew, our army, and our navy. We have many levels of support in the human experience, and we have that same pantheon of support in the Divine realm as well,” says Sonia.

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Sonia Choquette is Goddess of the Week

For more than 30 years, Sonia Choquette has been sharing with the world her wisdom and experience with six-sensory perception. Even when others thought she was a "kook" and a "deviant," she pressed on. She never let others' judgments prevent her from sharing what she knew to be true. Today, she is a world-renowned author, storyteller, healer, intuitive guide and spiritual teacher.

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The Anti-Affirmation

I have heard it said over and over in the personal growth world that in order to reach your potential, you must “embrace your dark side,” or “shadow.” What the heck does this mean? I thought for years. What dark side?

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