Emma Watson Nails UN Women Speech on Gender Equality If you haven't yet seen Emma Watson's powerful speech she gave at the United Nations over the weekend calling for gender equality and a redefinition of feminism, I highly recommend watching it. It’s quite inspiring! Read More Human Rights of Women ..., The Goddess DiariesTabby BiddleSeptember 23, 2014Emma Watson, feminism, fourth wave femininsm, gender equality, HeforShe, UN Women, United Nations, Women's Empowerment, women's rights, Tabby Biddle, Tabby Biddle Emma Watson, Tabby Biddle UN, Tabby Biddle United Nations, United Nations women, Tabby Biddle UNWomen, The Goddess Diaries, The Goddess Diaries by Tabby Biddle, Tabby Biddle writes the Goddess Diaries