The Grand Fears of a Tortured Heretic

by Tabby Biddle

The Grand Fears of the Tortured Heretic. This is a big deal for me to talk about. I’ve been putting this off over the last couple of weeks because it has felt scary for me to come forward with this, but as usual, my bigger mission pushes me through the fears so I can be of service to you.

The reason why I want to talk to you about this is because I think this is one of those invisible conversations that needs to come out more in the “seen” world.

I know a lot of women — clients, colleagues, friends and myself included — who have suffered in one way or another from trying to come out or come more forward in their visibility and leadership, but for some reason they keep tripping up on it. They come forward. Then they go back. They come forward. Then they go back. Forward. Back. Forward. Back. Like a little turtle going into her shell for safety and retreat. Sound familiar?

I notice for these women that there can be a lot of confusion around what’s going on, and also massive self-judgment. Why do I keep getting stuck? What is wrong with me? Why is this taking me so long? Why am I so scared to become visible and be that feminine leader I know I am meant to be?

If this is all too familiar to you, I invite you to watch the video up top to learn about the truth of what may actually be going on for you, hear about some of my own experience with this, and learn some ways you can move through this so you can come forward in your leadership with more ease and grace ... because we are waiting for you!

Tabby Biddle is a celebrated women’s leadership coach and well-known voice speaking out for the human rights of women and girls. She is the Co-Director of the Los Angeles Goddess Collective, and the Creator of the Goddess Leadership Program, a cutting-edge program designed to help emerging women leaders activate their political voice and develop their leadership platform for global healing and socio-political change.  Over the last seven years, Tabby has written, lectured and given interviews on the topic of the Divine Feminine and the power of a woman’s voice. For tips, inspiration and guidance to strengthen your voice and advance your influence as a feminine leader, sign up here.