Archive Posts
I used to feel that my voice didn't matter. I grew up as the youngest child and only girl in a family of two brothers, and a very strong lineage of male leaders going back to the earliest days of the United States. While there is a lot to be proud of in my family history, there is something very obvious that is missing. The voices of women.
I'm part of Generation X — the generation where girls and young women were taught that we could be anything, do anything and, if we worked hard enough, could have it all.We saw women go into space, run for Congress, be appointed to the Supreme Court, anchor the news, break Olympic records, be 'bionic' women, lead billion dollar companies, become successful lawyers, doctors, writers, journalists, artists and rock the world with their music and dance.
Since girls voices are nearly absent on the public conversation -- and when present in mainstream media, are often stereotyped and diluted -- GlobalGirl Media Network is aimed at changing that. It gives girls a platform to share their stories and enlighten all of us about the truth of girls' lives. Girls will be at the center of all media on this channel. I'm so excited about this.
As September is my birthday month, I am continuing to have celebrations to ring in my new year. And I have to tell you that the celebration that I had last Friday was a real filler-upper. Soul fulfilling in such a delicious way. Setting me up in a way that I could not have imagined without having the experience.
I struggled for many years to come forward as a feminine leader. Some of the struggle I understood—What will people think of me? Can I hold the space? Am I ready for this?—and other parts I did not. I kept spinning and spinning in circles, erasing what I knew and all that I had accomplished already in my life. I did not even notice that I was doing this until a very dear friend…
I used to be terrified to use my voice as a public speaker. I worried about whether I would sound stupid. If I would freeze up. If people would "get me" and if I would sound like a crazy lady. You remember those witch burnings, right?
Tons of FEAR. FEAR. FEAR. But then my dream of…
I know so many women who are being called right now by the Divine Feminine to step forward in their leadership so that they may bring the wisdom of their message into the zeitgeist of our global consciousness. Bit by bit we are doing the healing the planet needs. I know it may not look like that when we see all of this massive tragedy, but it is happening. We can’t give up…
Tabby Biddle is a celebrated women's leadership coach and well-known voice speaking out for the human rights of women and girls. She is the Co-Director of the Los Angeles Goddess Collective, and is the Creator of the Goddess Leadership Program, a revolutionary program designed to strengthen and activate the political voices and consciousness of emerging women leaders. For inspiration and guidance to strengthen your voice and advance your influence as a feminine leader, …
The Grand Fears of the Tortured Heretic. This is a big deal for me to talk about. I’ve been putting this off over the last couple of weeks because it has felt scary for me to come forward with this, but as usual, my bigger mission pushes me through the fears so I can be of service to you. The reason why I want to talk to you about this is because I think this is one of those invisible conversations that needs to come out more in the “seen” world…
I am honored to share with you my talented friend and colleague Jen Lashua's first Goddess painting! Jen and I first met through my Goddess clothing line, Lotus Blossom Style (remember that?), a number of years ago and became fast fans of each other. Jen is also a tea maker — founder of the yummy Love & Tea company.
I am writing a book! It's finally happening. This is something I have wanted to do for a long while, but never really felt that I could go all the way with it. I had ideas about what I wanted to write about, and even started writing a book on several occasions (some of you have been there, right?) — but I never had the stamina, focus and conviction it takes to make it to the finish line.